Unit Starters

Taking Care of My Body - Unit Starter

Ten activities that will help you get a head start on a self-care or healthy living unit.

  1. Taking Care of My Body - 8 labeled photographic images (i.e. stay clean, exercise)
  2. Body Facts BLM (includes word bank)
  3. Taking Care of My Body Mini Book BLM
  4. Male/Female Body Outline for basic primary anatomy, includes labels BLM
  5. Healthy Food Group Chart (in color) - cut and paste activity
  6. 22 labeled photographic food cards (11 healthy, 11 unhealthy)
  7. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Food Chart BLM - includes BLM of 22 clip art foods
  8. Body shape outline for pin poking or cutting - BLM
  9. Simple Word Search - 7 words, for beginners
  10. 32 word cards

BLM = Blackline Masters

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